CAPDA’s work in Moshi over the past 6 months has gone from strength to strength, with a truly amazing amount of activity having a real impact on the quality of life of many children in the Moshi area. With the support of funding from the Australian Government’s Direct Action Program, and in partnership with five disability care agencies in Tanzania, CAPDA has provided:
- Week-long live-in intensive courses of therapy and support for disabled children and their parents. The children were assessed and treated by a paediatrician and other health professionals, and parents and carers were given the opportunity to share their experiences and learn new strategies for caring for the children
- Upgraded schoolrooms and playgrounds to provide better, healthier environments
- Much-needed teaching resources, including desks, chairs and play equipment
- Cupboards, cooking equipment and mosquito nets
- Important disability equipment, including supported chairs, wheelchairs, cupboards, waterproofed mattresses and standing frames
- Gardening equipment, allowing several vocational education programs to flourish.